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August 2023 Newsletter

CommScope Technical Family Webinar

Please join us for the next CommScope Technical Family webinar, “Simplifying Complexity – Fiber Connectivity” on September 14.

Data drives your network. To keep it flowing efficiently and freely, your physical layer infrastructure must be managed in real-time, using authoritative information—not assumptions. Gaining the visibility and insights needed to make the right decisions gets tougher as networks converge and grow more complex.

With an intuitive, web-based architecture, imVision® delivers real-time intelligence and device discovery that allow you to monitor and document your cabling infrastructure while tracking the location of all connected network devices. It delivers actionable, real-time data and performance insights that enable you to optimize capacity, availability and efficiency.

In this webinar we will explore the growing need for (Automated Infrastructure Management) AIM systems in managing high density environments, as well as key considerations and use cases.

Register for this webinar here.


Solution and Product Updates

CommScope announces the release of Propel™ armored trunks and ruggedized fanout fiber cable assemblies in 8, 12, and 16-fiber MPO options.

Armored Trunk Cables
- MPO8 OM4/OM5 UPC/APC or SM APC armored trunks available in fiber counts of 8F-192F
- MPO12 OM4/OM5 UPC and SM APC armored trunks available in fiber counts of 12f-288f
- MPO16 OM4/OM5 APC and SM APC armored trunks available in fiber counts of 16F-192F

Ruggedized Fanout Assemblies
- MPO8 OM4/OM5 UPC/APC or SM APC to LC Uniboot fanouts
- Available in fiber counts of 8F-192F
- MPO12 OM4/OM5 UPC and SM APC to LC Uniboot available in fiber counts of 12f-288f
- MPO16 OM4/OM5 APC and SM APC to LC Uniboot available in fiber counts of 16f-192f
- Propel 22” breakouts with mounting clips included for MPO end
- Ultra-low loss performance
- Method B Enhanced polarity

QR-coded for optical performance verification via CommScope WebTrak®.

Available in jacket types: plenum, Dual Rated Riser/LSZH and LSZH B2ca.

Click here for more about Propel.


A new Fact File is available, called The Enterprise Source: Extended Reach Beyond the 100m Limit. Click here to access.

All you need to know about Cat 6A cabling – click here to read the CommScope Cat 6A Fact File and dig in.

Standards Byte

TIA-TR42 – The application support tables including twisted-pair, fiber, PON and coaxial applications (Annex C) will be taken out of the TIA-568.0 document and be a standalone TSB for ease of updating. CommScope holds editorship of the new TSB. TIA-568.0 (Generic cabling), TIA-568.1 (Commercial building infrastructure) and TIA-862 (Intelligent building systems infrastructure) will be combined into one document.

IEEE 802.3 – The previous IEEE P802.3df task force has been split into two groups P802.3df and P802.3dj. P802.3df focuses on 400 Gb/s and 800 Gb/s over SMF and MMF based on 100G lane rate. P802.3dj focuses on 200 Gb/s, 400 Gb/s, 800 Gb/s and 1.6 Tb/s over SMF based on 200G lane rate.

IEC SC86C/WG1 – The SM test document (IEC 61280-4-2) is in revision. Equipment cord test method is being added to document. Further clarification on bidirectional OTDR testing being recommended and not required.

The Tech Blog

Mungree Singh, CommScope’s System Engineering Manager – West, sits down with Matt Vincent of CI&M to discuss FiberGuide®. Click here to learn more and listen to the podcast.

CommScope's Technical Assistance Center (TAC)

Meet CommScope’s NEW online Support page.

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Available in all regions during typical business hours.

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Be sure to check out for more information!

Kind regards,
Infrastructure System Engineering Team

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